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Oil well in Oklahoma
What We Do

For over 30 years, Dutcher & Company has provided management services for oil and gas E&P companies and investors. With a full spectrum of services designed to improve properties and provide better production and cash flow, Dutcher & Company provides the connection between owners, investors, and the management.

1,100+ oil and gas well management under management contracts
80+ acquisitions of producing oil and gas properties
30+ years of experience
Executed financing deals over $50mm

Who We Are

Based in Oklahoma City, Dutcher & Company was founded in 1987 as an oil and gas consulting and property management firm. Today, we provide petroleum engineering, geology, accounting, field and contract operations, marketing and land services in the oil and gas exploration and production industry.

How We Can Help
  • Acquisitions and evaluations

  • Property improvements & high grading

  • Design & execution of drilling programs

  • Operation & back-office services

  • Preparation of properties for divestiture

  • Preparation of partial or full sales of packages from 10 - 2000 wells

Dutcher & Company looks forward to serving your needs.
Please contact us to arrange a consultation.


Telephone:  405.235.6664 ext.17



Contact Us
Dutcher and Company Logo

100 North Broadway Suite 2110

Oklahoma City, OK  73102-8614


© 2020 by Dutcher & Company

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